
Lírah products: Lirah Caramelised Garlic Balsamic Serves: 4-6 Difficulty: Easy Prep time: 15 minutes Cooking time: 45 minutes    Can’t decide between your favourite Italian dishes? Have this meal on the table in a flash and you’ll keep the whole family happy!   Ingredients   500g short pasta of choice (ie macaroni, orecchiette) 150g sliced pepperoni,...

Lírah products: Caramelised Garlic Balsamic Serves: 6 Difficulty: Moderate Prep time: 45 minutes It’s indulgent, it’s comforting and it’s perfect for a cosy night in. During a recent poll in our office, gnocchi isn’t something that is often cooked in our home kitchens which begged the question, why? Apparently, gnocchi either...